No one likes the appearance of braces, that is a hard fact. Even though most people require braces to correct their smiles, they simply won’t go through with the process of getting them simply because they look awful. And who can blame them? The term “metal mouth” is a very common name for metallic braces nowadays, and rightfully so. With metallic braces, you almost look like a robot. Plus, all that metal in your mouth can’t possibly be comfortable. These are the main reasons that people – especially adults – stay clear of metallic braces. Manufacturing companies became aware of that problem, and started devising other more esthetic options to choose from. These include clear braces, lingual braces and the ever popular Invisalign. Here, we will focus on clear braces, so you could learn all you need about them. Follow our guide to learn where you can find a Toronto Ontario clear braces provider.
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What is the difference between metallic braces and clear braces?
In terms of action, nothing. Both types work in the same manner. They both are a system of brackets that are attached to the outer surface of the teeth, with wires crossing them and attached to them through elastic bands. They exert a pulling action so that the teeth move where your orthodontist intends to move them.
The difference is how they look. Clear braces are made of a clear, ceramic material, so no more metal in your mouth. Some systems even use wires that are coated with a white covering, and elastics that are also transparent, making the entire set up virtually invisible. Granted that other systems such as lingual braces and Invisalign are more discrete, but clear braces also have their merits, and could be the right choice for you.
What is great about clear braces?
As we established, clear braces hold all the advantages of traditional braces, only they look far better. These advantages include:
Ease of use:
Traditional braces – while ugly – are the easiest to apply in the mouth. They take about an hour, with no fuss about the procedure. Clear braces are the same, making them the right choice for people who just want to get things done.
Both traditional and clear braces offer the orthodontist great control. The orthodontist can move the teeth precisely where he wants them, down to the millimeter. He can also apply harder or lighter pressure when he wants (or when you need to), as well as control the amount of space that he gains or closes.
There is a reason why metallic braces are still the gold standard of orthodontic treatment. They are very reliable, and all but guaranteed to give you the results you desire. Clear braces work in the same manner, and are so very reliable as well.
Where can I find a Toronto Ontario clear braces provider?
If you are looking for a great orthodontist, one who is vastly experienced with clear braces – and all other types of braces for that matter- look no further than the team at Aurora Borealis orthodontics, led by Dr. Hirsch. Our office is located just around the corner at 15185 Yonge St. Aurora, ON L4G 1L8. You can call us on (888) 311-9662 to schedule your consultation.